SunKing Launched an Arbitration Enforcement in Singapore.

SunKing Launched an Arbitration Enforcement in Singapore


On late 2020, Simon Lee Esq. and Lisa Wei Esq. of Sunking Law Firm LLP International Service Section started an arbitration proceeding in Shenzhen International Arbitration Court against a Singapore Sole Proprietor Mr. Noah. .

On late 2020, Simon Lee Esq. and Lisa Wei Esq. of Sunking Law Firm LLP International Service Section started an arbitration proceeding in Shenzhen International Arbitration Court against a Singapore Sole Proprietor Mr. Noah. 


The governing law is New York Law and the arbitration language is English because the business and dispute is between an American firm and a Singaporean entity, et al.



Early 2022, Shenzhen Arbitration Court rendered its award and almost all applicant’s arguments are accepted and all requests are supported.


Mr. Noah was not serious about Chinese arbitration and didn’t pay attention to the award at all. Mr. Noah ever retained his American friend an Intellectual Property lawyer to make some rebuttal and challenge that were not accepted by the arbitration panel as they are a kind of nonsensical.



After the award was served, Simon Lee Esq. offered a friendly and fair settlement to Mr. Noah because settlement would save cost and time, plus avoid risk of failure. Pretty sorry and unfortunate, Mr. Noah gave no answer but a kind of responding Piss Off and Who Cares!


Therefore, Simon Lee Esq. had no option but launched the proceeding to enforce the award in Singapore per the New York Convention.


SunKing maintains constant contact and cooperation with lawyer in Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and others.

On July of 2022, Singapore law firm Chris Chong and CT Ho LLP was retained for this job. A quick result was pushed out. Mr. Noah engaged local lawyer to offer settlement and  the offer looks not bad (08-12, 2022).